Effective Aug. 1, the rules of origin under the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement are being modified for Korean woven fabrics of HTSUS heading 5408 made from cuprammonium rayon filament yarn of subheading 5403.39. This change will allow preferential treatment under KORUS for Korean or U.S. woven fabrics incorporating non-originating cuprammonium rayon filament yarn.
The International Trade Commission previously determined that U.S. imports of and demand for the affected articles is small and that the likely effect of this change on imports under KORUS and total U.S. imports of these products would be negligible. The ITC said there would also be little to no effect on U.S. production or exports of the affected articles because there are no known domestic producers of the articles directly affected by the change.
For more information about the impact of this change, please contact textile and apparel practice leader Elise Shibles at (415) 490-1403 or via email.
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