
Cherry Cutting Imports from Japan Under Review

The Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is considering a request to authorize the importation of ornamental cherry cuttings for use as cut flowers from Japan. APHIS has drafted a pest risk assessment that lists the potential pests likely to remain on this commodity upon importation if no mitigation is applied. Comments on this assessment, including information that might lead APHIS to revise its assessment before identifying pest mitigations and proceeding with the commodity import approval process, are due by Oct. 26.

Turmeric Rhizome Imports from Samoa Authorized

APHIS has authorized the importation into the U.S. (including its territories) of fresh turmeric rhizome from Samoa, effective Sept. 27, subject to certain phytosanitary measures to mitigate the risk of pests of quarantine significance.

Sand Pear Imports from Korea Expanded

APHIS has authorized imports of fresh, non-pre-cleared sand pears from Korea into all U.S. ports beginning Sept. 27, subject to the following phytosanitary measures.

- pears are imported as commercial consignments only

- pears are grown in places of production and packed in packinghouses registered with Korea’s national plant protection organization

- places of production are inspected for symptoms of quarantine pests and diseases and adequate mitigation measures are implemented if such pests and diseases are found

- pears are bagged when they are between 2.5 and 3.5 centimeters in diameter and bagged by June 30

- each consignment is labeled to allow trace back and accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by Korea’s NPPO stating that the consignment has been inspected and found free of quarantine pests

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