
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a final rule imposing new import restrictions on archaeological and ethnological materials from Ukraine. Effective Sept. 10, 2024, through March 5, 2023, unless extended, the importation of these materials is restricted unless they are accompanied by documentation certifying that they left Ukraine legally and are not in violation of that country’s export laws.

The covered archaeological materials include objects made of stone; metal; terracotta, ceramic, porcelain, faience, and fired clay; plaster, stucco, and unfired clay; bone, ivory, horn, and shell; wood and other organic materials; glass; and human remains ranging in date from the Paleolithic period (circa 1.4 million years ago) through 1774 C.E. The covered ethnological materials include ethnological religious and ritual objects and objects related to funerary rites and burials dating from 200 C.E. to 1917 C.E.; ethnological manuscripts, written documents, and early prints dating from 900 C.E. to 1917 C.E.; ethnological architectural elements dating from 200 C.E. to 1917 C.E.; and ethnological paintings, military material, and traditional folk clothing and textiles dating from 1700 C.E. to 1917 C.E.

CBP has issued a separate final rule continuing import restrictions on archaeological and ethnological material of Yemen through April 15, 2029. The designated list of affected materials (see rule text for details) is being amended to extend the date range for archaeological material to 1773 C.E., to clarify certain categories of archaeological material, to add the subcategory “inscribed documents” to the list of archaeological materials, to clarify that the ethnological material listed excludes Jewish ceremonial and ritual objects and manuscripts, and to reorganize the list of ethnological material by type of object instead of by material.

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