

The International Trade Administration and/or International Trade Commission have recently announced the following actions in antidumping and/or countervailing duty cases. For more information on AD/CV duty issues, including how to mitigate liability, please contact attorney Kristen Smith at (202) 730-4965 or via email

Artists’ canvas – sunset review determination that revocation of AD duty order on artists’ canvas from China would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury to an industry in the U.S. within a reasonably foreseeable time

Freight rail couplers – institution of AD/CV injury investigations of freight rail couplers and parts thereof from China and Mexico

Geogrid products – sunset review determination that revocation of AD/CV duty orders on biaxial integral geogrid products from China would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury to an industry in the U.S. within a reasonably foreseeable time

Hot-rolled steel – net subsidy rate of 0.46 percent (de minimis) for one company in amended final results of CV duty order on hot-rolled steel flat products from Korea for the period Jan.1 through Dec. 31, 2017

Request reviews – Oct. 31 deadline to request administrative reviews of the following AD/CV duty orders for the periods Oct. 1, 2021, through Sept. 30, 2022 (AD), or Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2021 (CV)

- barium carbonate from China (AD)

- barium chloride from China (AD)

- boltless steel shelving units prepackaged for sale from China (AD/CV)

- carbon and alloy steel wire rod from Brazil (AD/CV), Indonesia (AD), Mexico (AD), Moldova (AD), and Trinidad & Tobago (AD)

- cut-to-length carbon steel from China (AD)

- electrolytic manganese dioxide from China (AD)

- glycine from Thailand (AD)

- helical spring lock washers from China (AD)

- hot-rolled steel flat products from Australia (AD), Brazil (AD), Japan (AD), Korea (AD/CV), the Netherlands (AD), Turkey (AD), and the United Kingdom (AD)

- lemon juice from Argentina (AD)

- polyvinyl alcohol from China (AD)

- refillable stainless steel kegs from Mexico (AD)

- roasted in-shell pistachios from Iran (CV)

- stainless steel flanges from India (AD/CV)

- steel concrete reinforcing bar from Taiwan (AD)

- steel wire garments hangers from China (AD)

- uranium from Russia (AD)

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