
Supreme Court turns away challenge to steel import tariffs

“The justices turned away an appeal by Irving, Texas-based PrimeSource Building Products of a lower court's decision to uphold a 25% tariff on some steel derivatives, such as nails and fasteners, put in place by Trump on national security grounds and now defended by President Joe Biden's administration.”


U.S. drops digital trade demands at WTO to allow room for stronger tech regulation

“The U.S. is withdrawing proposals made in 2019 by the Trump administration insisting that WTO e-commerce rules allow free cross-border data flows and prohibit national requirements for data localization and reviews of software source code.”


Panama Canal cuts ship numbers further

“Starting from 3 November, booking slots will be cut to 25 per day from an already reduced 31 per day, the ACP said. That number will be further reduced over the next three months to 18 slots per day from the start of February 2024.”


Australia, EU say trade deal likely years away after rejecting terms

“Australian farm groups had pressured the government not to sign a ‘dud deal’ that would put their members at a disadvantage to competitors in New Zealand, Canada and South America, who have greater access to EU markets.”


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