
New ILO chief plans crackdown on forced labor in supply chains

“In addition to his focus on forced labor in the textile industry, Houngbo said there’s a need to address the ‘really crazy’ mineral mining conditions in places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast and Ghana.”


EU asked to shift burden of proof in forced labor products ban

“During the debate, MEPs and experts called on the Commission to put the burden of proof on companies rather than on national authorities, similar to the US Uyghur Forced Labor law …

However, Madelaine Tuininga, from the Commission’s directorate-general for trade, said ‘we’re not going for the US system,’ adding that the creation of an EU risk database will provide a ‘very powerful instrument’ for competent authorities to identify forced labour products.”


As U.S.-China relations worsen, expect supply chain chaos

“For 20 years, the trans-Pacific was relatively easy, boring and cheap. Now it’s becoming exciting, difficult and expensive — and will probably stay that way for some time to come.”


Both sides blast proposal affecting ocean carrier profits, service contracts

“Federal regulators are caught in the crossfire of calls from ocean carriers and shippers seeking changes to a proposed rule affecting how vessel space is allocated for import and export containers.”


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