The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has added Aruba, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Iran, Timor-Leste, and Yemen to the list of regions considered affected with screwworm, effective June 8, 2022. Horses, ruminants, swine, and dogs may be imported into the U.S. from regions where screwworm is considered to exist only if they are inspected and, if necessary, treated for screwworm according to the conditions outlined in the regulations for each type of animal.
The requirements for horses are set out in 9 CFR 93.308(a)(3) and include not only pre-embarkation and post-arrival inspection and treatment requirements, but also quarantine in the U.S. for seven days after arrival and examination by a veterinarian before release from quarantine. The requirements for ruminants and swine are set out in 9 CFR 93.405(a)(3) and 9 CFR 93.505(b) and are the same as for horses, other than the seven-day quarantine and final examination of the animal. The requirements for dogs are set out in 9 CFR 93.600 and require that all dogs from affected regions be inspected and, if necessary, treated before importation.
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