Mexico prepared to retaliate if US imposes steel tariffs
“The United States lifted tariffs on Mexican steel in 2019, warning they could be reinstated to protect the U.S. industry if shipments from Mexico surge beyond a certain level. The United States has also said more transparency is needed regarding the origins of the steel and aluminum products Mexico is exporting.”
EU countries block supply chain audit law at last hour
“Under the CSDDD, designed to enter force in 2027, large companies in the European Union would have to identify and remedy in their supply chains cases of employing forced or child labour or environmental damage, such as deforestation.”
New disciplines on good regulatory practice for services trade enter into force
“The disciplines seek to mitigate unintended trade-restrictive effects of measures relating to licensing requirements and procedures, qualification requirements and procedures and technical standards. They seek to make the regulatory environment more conducive to business and can help particularly micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as women entrepreneurs.”
[World Trade Organization]
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