
The International Trade Administration and/or International Trade Commission have recently announced the following actions in antidumping and/or countervailing duty cases. For more information on AD/CV duty issues, including how to mitigate liability, please contact attorney Kristen Smith at (202) 730-4965 or via email.

Engines – determination that imports of dual-piston engines with a single, common combustion chamber, of the type designed by FNA Group Inc., produced in and exported from China, constitute later-developed merchandise that is circumventing the AD and CV duty orders on certain vertical shaft engines between 99cc and up to 225cc and parts thereof from China, and application of this affirmative circumvention finding on a country-wide basis

Furfuryl alcohol – continuation of AD duty order on furfuryl alcohol from China, effective Feb. 28

Pencils – sunset review determination that revocation of AD duty order on cased pencils from China would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury to an industry in the U.S. within a reasonably foreseeable time

Pipes and tubes – determination that imports of certain welded carbon steel standard pipes and tubes completed in Oman and the United Arab Emirates from hot-rolled steel produced in India are not circumventing the AD duty order on pipes and tubes from India

Sunset reviews – initiation of sunset reviews of the following AD/CV duty orders, which will result in either the continuation or revocation of these orders:

- aluminum foil from China (AD/CV)

- honey from China (AD)

- polyester staple fiber from China (AD)

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