The Bureau of Industry and Security is seeking comments by Jan. 23 on the impact that implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention had on commercial activities involving Schedule 1 chemicals in 2022. Comments received will assist BIS in the preparation of its annual certification to Congress on whether the legitimate commercial activities and interests of chemical, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical firms in the U.S. are being significantly harmed by the CWC’s limitations on access to and production of those chemicals and toxins listed in Schedule 1.
The provisions of the CWC that affect commercial activities involving Schedule 1 chemicals are implemented in the Chemical Weapons Control Regulations and the Export Administration Regulations. The CWCR prohibit imports of Schedule 1 chemicals from, and exports to, states not party to the CWC and require advance notification and annual reporting of all imports and exports of Schedule 1 chemicals from or to other states parties. These regulations also:
- require annual declarations by certain facilities engaged in the production of Schedule 1 chemicals in excess of 100 grams aggregate per calendar year for purposes not prohibited by the CWC;
- provide for government approval of declared Schedule 1 facilities;
- provide that declared Schedule 1 facilities are subject to initial and routine inspection by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; and
- require 200 days advance notification of the establishment of new Schedule 1 production facilities producing greater than 100 grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals per calendar year.
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