The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has announced a new four-year charter term for the Trade Advisory Committee on Africa. Applications from qualified individuals interested in serving as a member of the TACA are due no later than Feb. 4.
The TACA provides general policy advice and guidance on trade policy and development matters that have a significant impact on the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. This includes (1) negotiating objectives and bargaining positions before entering into trade agreements, (2) the impact of the implementation of trade agreements, (3) matters concerning the operation of any trade agreement once entered into, and (4) other matters arising in connection with the development, implementation, and administration of U.S. trade policy.
The TACA also facilitates the goals and objectives of the African Growth and Opportunity Act and assists in maintaining ongoing discussions with sub-Saharan African trade and agriculture ministries and private-sector organizations on issues of mutual concern, including regional and international trade concerns and World Trade Organization issues.
The TACA has up to 30 members who have expertise in general trade, investment, and development issues and specific knowledge of U.S.-Africa trade and investment trends, including trade under AGOA, constraints to trade and investment (e.g., infrastructure, energy, and financing), trade facilitation measures, sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade, trade capacity building, investment treaty negotiations, U.S.-Africa investment and private-sector partnerships, and implementation of WTO agreements. Members may represent industry, organized labor, investment, agriculture, services, non-profit development organizations, academia, and small business.
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