
The Consumer Product Safety Commission is accepting comments through April 22 on a petition requesting that the CPSC mandate testing and labeling regarding the slip resistance of commercial- and residential-grade floor coverings, floor coatings, and treatments; residential and commercial floor cleaning agents; and consumer footwear.

According to the CPSC, the petitioner is requesting not that any level of slip resistance be mandated bur rather that these products be tested for their coefficient of friction and then labeled with the resulting information.

However, the CPSC notes that it denied the petitioner’s two previous efforts to secure such a rule because (1) the petitions did not establish an association between slip-and-fall incidents and particular types of flooring, (2) there was a lack of consistency and accuracy in test methods used, (3) there was insufficient information in the petitions to indicate that a high coefficient of friction decreased the risk of slips and falls, and (4) a labeling requirement would be insufficient to address the hazard because a coefficient of friction is likely only one of several factors involved in slips and falls.

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