
U.S. Customs and Border Protection appears to have ceased publishing annual compilations of trade-related statistics and is instead issuing monthly updates to what seems to be a smaller subset of those figures. Highlights for October 2024 (compared to the previous month) include the following.

- processed more than 2.8 million entry summaries (down from 3.0 million) valued at more than $283 billion (down from $308 billion)

- identified estimated duties of nearly $6.7 billion (down from more than $7 billion ) to be collected by the U.S. government

- stopped 669 shipments (up from 557) valued at more than $15.5 million (down from $38.8 million) for further examination based on the suspected use of forced labor

- seized 1,532 shipments (down from 1,677) that contained counterfeit goods valued at more than $164 million (down from $289 million)

- completed audits that identified $10.5 million (up from $3.6 million) in duties and fees owed to the U.S. government

- collected over $1.2 million (down from $8 million) of this identified revenue and from previous fiscal years’ assignments.

- issued 6,661 emergency action notifications (down from 7,053) for restricted and prohibited plant and animal products entering the U.S.

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