
The Consumer Product Safety Commission is proposing to require clothing storage units to be tested for stability, exceed minimum stability requirements, be marked and labeled with safety information, and bear a hang tag providing performance and technical data about the stability of the unit.

CSUs are freestanding furniture items, typically used for storing clothes. Examples include chests, bureaus, dressers, chests of drawers, drawer chests, door chests, chifforobes, armoires, and wardrobes. CSUs are available in a variety of designs (e.g., vertical or horizontal dressers), sizes (e.g., weights and heights), dimensions, and materials (e.g., wood, plastic, leather, manufactured wood, or fiber board).

Comments on all aspects of this notice, including the risk of injury, the proposed scope and requirements, alternatives, and likely economic impacts, are due no later than March 28.

For more information on compliance with this and other product safety standards, please contact Beth Ring at (212) 549-0133 or Ned Steiner at (202) 730-4970.

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