
Export controls need to change constantly, Raimondo says

“‘What I cannot have industry do is in any way violate the intention of our export controls,’ she said. ‘They have to follow the rule and the spirit of the law. And as long as they, or any company, does that, it’s fine.’”


Democrats divided over Biden’s move on digital trade

“In late October the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative informed the WTO that it was withdrawing its backing for e-commerce rules first proposed by the Trump administration in 2019. Those provisions would require free cross-border data flows, allowing tech companies that collect data from users in one country to freely move it to another; prohibit localization restrictions that ensure such data is stored domestically; and disallow reviews by authorities of potentially harmful software source codes. The USTR also withdrew support for non-discriminatory treatment of digital products, meaning a country wouldn’t be able to give less favorable treatment to software, apps or other tech products designed or created in another country.”

[Roll Call]

Taiwan wants to push bounds of U.S. trade deal to beat isolation

“‘One goal is to expand the coverage: more topics like agriculture, labor. We are willing to talk whatever international trade regime needs to address,’ Deng told Bloomberg News. ‘Second is the market access issue, that is tariffs. We hope that one day the US government is ready for tariff talk.’”


EU-Mercosur hitch stalls EU trade momentum

“The EU and the Mercosur bloc of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay will not be able to close free trade negotiations this week, as envisaged, with Argentina's incoming government needing to approve outstanding issues.”


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