
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has adjusted the following customs user fees and limitations for inflation for fiscal year 2022. These adjusted fees will be required as of Oct. 1, 2021.

- commercial vessel arrival: $485.11 per arrival/$6,610.63 annual cap (up from $476.04 /$6,486.99)

- barge and other bulk carrier arrival: $122.11 per arrival/$1,665.15 annual cap (up from $119.83 /$1,634.00)

- commercial truck arrival: $6.10 per arrival/$111.01 annual cap (up from $5.98/$108.93)

- rail car arrival: $9.16 per arrival/$111.01 annual cap (up from $8.99/$108.93)

- dutiable mail: $6.11 (up from $5.99)

- commercial vessel or aircraft passenger arrival: $6.11 (up from $5.99)

- customs broker permit: $153.19 (up from $150.33)

- express consignment carrier/centralized hub facility, per individual waybill/bill of lading: minimum $0.39/maximum $1.11 (up from $0.38/$1.09)

- merchandise processing: minimum $27.75/maximum $538.40 (up from $27.23/$528.33)

- surcharge for manual entry or release: $3.33 (up from $3.27)

- informal entry or release not prepared by CBP personnel: $2.22 automated/$6.66 manual (up from $2.18/$6.54)

- informal entry or release prepared by CBP personnel: $9.99 (up from $9.80)

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