
The International Trade Administration and/or International Trade Commission have recently announced the following actions in antidumping and/or countervailing duty cases. For more information on AD/CV duty issues, including how to mitigate liability, please contact attorney Kristen Smith at (202) 730-4965 or via email

DOTP – continuation of AD duty order on dioctyl terephthalate from Korea, effective June 29

Lined paper – continuation of AD duty orders on lined paper products from China and India and CV duty order on lined paper products from India, effective Aug. 9

Softwood lumber – final determination that GreenFirst Forest Products (QC) Inc. is the successor-in-interest to Rayonier A.M. Canada G.P. for purposes of the AD duty order on softwood lumber from Canada and is therefore entitled to its AD cash deposit rate, which is currently 6.2 percent

Solar cells – final determination that certain Chinese producers (but not others) are shipping solar cells and modules through Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and/or Vietnam for minor processing in an attempt to circumvent the AD and CV duty orders on such goods from China (but duties will not be collected on any solar module and cell imports from these countries until June 2024)

Tin mill products – (1) preliminary affirmative dumping determination on tin mill products from China, Canada, and Germany, with new AD cash deposit requirement at rates of 122.52 percent for China, 5.29 percent for Canada, and 7.02 percent for Germany, and (2) preliminary negative dumping determination on tin mill products from Korea, the Netherlands, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom

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