
The State Department has issued a final rule that, effective May 12, will expand the types of defense articles that may be exported and defense services that may be furnished to Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom without a license. State notes that these changes are intended to ensure that the export control exemptions for these countries continue to enhance operational capabilities, interoperability, and cooperation between the armed forces of the U.S. and its partners.

This rule implements the following changes to Supplement No. 1 to Part 126 of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations.

- amends the 25th entry, identified as USML category IV, which previously excluded defense articles and services specific to torpedoes, to exclude only defense articles and services specific to the warhead or the sonar, guidance, and control section of torpedoes

- amends the 105th entry, identified as USML category XX(c), which previously excluded defense articles and services specific to submarine combat control systems, to remove mounting racks and cabinets from that entry

- amends the 60th entry, the 66th entry, and explanatory Note 9 to remove specific underwater acoustic decoy countermeasures and clarify the note

- amends the 28th and 29th entries regarding USML category IV(i) manufacturing know-how to reflect that USML category IV(h) was previously updated to describe the specific subassemblies of other USML category IV defense articles that remain ITAR-controlled

- amends the 67th through 70th entries regarding USML category XII night vision to reflect that first-generation image intensification tubes are not subject to the ITAR and that some items previously controlled in paragraph (c) of category XII moved to paragraph (e) in a prior rulemaking

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