
The International Trade Administration is inviting comments by May 1 on any subsidies provided by certain countries exporting softwood lumber or softwood lumber products to the U.S. during the period July 1 through Dec. 31, 2022. Comments should include the name of the country that provided the subsidy, the name of the subsidy program, a brief (no more than three to four sentence) description of the subsidy program, and the government body or authority that provided the subsidy.

Given the large number of countries that export softwood lumber or softwood lumber products to the U.S., the ITA is only interested in subsidies provided by countries whose exports accounted for at least one percent of total U.S. imports of softwood lumber by quantity, as classified under HTSUS 4407.11.00, 4407.12.00, 4407.13.00, 4407.14.00, and 4407.19.00, during this period. Official U.S. import data published by the International Trade Commission indicate that only Austria, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Romania, and Sweden met this criterion.

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