The International Trade Administration has received a request to launch an inquiry into whether imports of wooden cabinets and vanities and components thereof produced using components manufactured in China that undergo further processing in Malaysia or Vietnam are covered by the AD and CV duty orders on wooden cabinets and vanities and components thereof from China or are circumventing those orders. If the ITA reaches an affirmative determination, subject goods could be hit with AD/CV duties.
The goods covered by the AD/CV duty orders on China are wooden cabinets and vanities that are for permanent installation and wooden components thereof. They are made substantially of wood products, including solid wood and engineered wood products or bamboo. Subject goods include all unassembled, assembled, or ready to assemble items (commonly known as flat packs) except those covered by other AD/CV duty orders. Subject goods that have been further processed in a third country are also covered. These items are currently classified in HTSUS subheadings 9403.60.8081 and 9403.90.7080.
The petition requesting the inquiry alleges that components are being produced in China, shipped to Malaysia or Vietnam for further processing and/or assembly, and then exported to the U.S., with Malaysia or Vietnam declared as the country of origin.
For more information, please contact attorney Kristen Smith at (202) 730-4965.
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