
The Department of Agriculture has established the amounts of raw cane sugar and certain sugars, syrups, and molasses (collectively referred to as refined sugar) that may be imported under the lower tier of duties provided by the tariff-rate quotas for these products during fiscal year 2022 (Oct. 1, 2021, through Sept. 30, 2022). Specifically, aggregate quantities of up to 1,117,195 metric tons raw value of raw cane sugar (unchanged from FY 2021) and 222,000 MTRV of sugars, syrups, and molasses (up from 162,000 MTRV) may be entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption under these TRQs during this period.

Of the latter quantity, 201,656 MTRV (up from 141,656 MTRV) is reserved for the importation of specialty sugars, and this TRQ will be opened in five tranches. The first, totaling 1,656 MTRV, will open Oct. 1, and all specialty sugars will be eligible for entry. The additional tranches will open Oct. 8 (60,000 MTRV), Jan. 21 (60,000 MTRV), April 15 (40,000 MTRV), and July 15 (40,000 MTRV) and will each will be reserved for organic sugar and other specialty sugars not currently produced commercially in the U.S. or reasonably available from domestic sources.

Further, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has allocated the in-quota quantity of the FY 2022 raw cane sugar TRQ as follows (in MTRV).

Argentina 45,281

Australia 87,402

Barbados 7,371

Belize 11,584

Bolivia 8,424

Brazil 152,691

Colombia 25,273

Congo (Brazzaville) 7,258

Costa Rica 15,796

Cote d’Ivoire 7,258

Dominican Republic 185,335

Ecuador 11,584

El Salvador 27,379

Fiji 9,477

Gabon 7,258

Guatemala 50,546

Guyana 12,636

Haiti 7,258

Honduras 10,530

India 8,424

Jamaica 11,584

Madagascar 7,258

Malawi 10,530

Mauritius 12,636

Mexico 7,258

Mozambique 13,690

Nicaragua 22,114

Panama 30,538

Papua New Guinea 7,258

Paraguay 7,258

Peru 43,175

Philippines 142,160

South Africa 24,220

St. Kitts & Nevis 7,258

Swaziland 16,849

Taiwan 12,636

Thailand 14,743

Trinidad & Tobago 7,371

Uruguay 7,258

Zimbabwe 12,636

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