Biden administration delays announcement on China tariffs
“Wendy Cutler, vice president at the Asia Society Policy Institute, says she thinks China will respond to the tariff hikes ‘swiftly, proportionally and in a non-escalatory manner.’”
[Voice of America]
Ever further from free trade: The disruptive radicalism of Trump 2.0
“While the rest of the world navigated Trump 1.0 and even managed to find ways to survive, the prospects under Trump 2.0 are looking much, much messier.”
[Hinrich Foundation]
While the U.S. and China decouple, the EU and China deepen trade dependencies
“This increasing divergence in US and European economic interests may make it harder for them to agree in the future on national security and technology policies involving Chinese imports.”
Britain says Trans-Pacific trade agreement to come into force by Dec. 15
“The CPTPP requires countries to eliminate or significantly reduce tariffs, make strong commitments to opening services and investment markets and has rules around competition, intellectual property rights and protections for foreign companies.”
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