
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has added some functionality to its Automated Commercial Environment deployment schedule, delayed the deployment of some other functions, and confirmed the deployment of still others.

ACE functionality, including data reports, can help importers and others boost compliance and duty savings efforts. For more information, please contact attorney Lenny Feldman via email or at (305) 894-1011.

ACE Dashboard. CBP now plans to deploy Oct. 26 a new ACE availability dashboard that will provide the trade community with faster and expanded information on system applications.

ACE Portal. Modernization of the legacy ACE portal components into a new user interface to include accounts and the supporting applications that remain in portal for entry processing remains scheduled for January 2022.

Bill of Lading. The deployment of functionality to release ocean cargo at the lowest shipment level is still planned for August 2022.

Brokers. Broker license application, permit application, and annual permit user fee interfaces to ACE remain planned for fiscal years 2022 and 2023. CBP is still awaiting the issuance of final regulations to transition all brokers to a single national permit, which would eliminate multiple district permits and waivers, but now anticipates this to take place in spring 2022. Proposed regulations were issued in June 2020.

Collections. Still planned for Oct. 16 is an enhancement of bill management workflow, including bill receivable creation, vendor interface for creation, and distribution of bills to importers. This release will also move liquidation bills to ACE and improve the accuracy of importer bills. This deployment will be followed in March 2022 by an enhancement to the debt management workflow and automation of manual processing and reporting.

Forms. Functionality scheduled for April 2022 will migrate CBP forms 28, 29, and 4647 from legacy ACE to the new ACE framework.

Global Business Identifier. An enhancement to replace the manufacturing identification code, producing a unique identifier that captures complete shipper/seller and manufacturer information and eliminating duplicate MIDs and multiple companies being assigned the same MID, is still anticipated in spring 2022.

Manifests. July 2022 remains the anticipated date for Phase 2 and 3 enhancements to complete modernization of the ACE truck manifest.

Quota certificates. A new enhancement planned for summer 2022 will allow the capability to load certificates for certain commodities subject to quota into ACE instead of via email or manual upload.

USMCA. CBP still plans to deploy this fall a new indicator that filers will use to indicate if they are submitting a substitution claim or a direct identification claim for drawback provisions 56 and 70 under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

Vehicle exports. CBP has postponed indefinitely the deployment date of functionality enabling it to access all information on exported vehicles from one data query in the Automated Export System.

Vessel agents. CBP has newly announced plans to deploy this December capability that will allow vessel masters/agents/carriers to submit data to CBP for the Vessel Entrance and Clearance System. This enhancement will allow future development of vessel agents and owner operators accounts.

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