
The Consumer Product Safety Commission is accepting comments through May 14 on its potential development of regulatory requirements to address the risk of injury associated with the mechanical hazards of electric bicycles. Comments may address the nature of those risks, potential regulatory alternatives, the economic impacts of various approaches, existing voluntary standards, and plans to develop new standards to address these risks.

An e-bike is a bicycle powered partially or fully by an electric motor. Normally an e-bike is equipped with pedal assist, a throttle, or both. Similar to non-powered bicycles, e-bikes are generally sold and marketed for specific applications, such as use in a city (on sidewalks), for commuting, and for off-road use on bike paths and trails. E-bikes currently must meet the requirements of 16 CFR part 1512 if they meet the definition of a “low-speed electric bicycle” in 15 U.S.C. 2085(b) (those with a maximum speed of less than 20 mph) and “bicycle” in 16 CFR 1512.2(a)(2).

The CPSC states that the scope of this rulemaking is limited to e-bikes and does not include gas-powered bicycles and non-powered bicycles or battery powered ride-on toys subject to the mandatory toy standard.

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