
The International Trade Commission has instituted an investigation into the global competitiveness of rice and impacts on trade and U.S. industry.

The ITC states that this investigation will result in a report containing the following information.

- recent developments in the rice industries in the U.S. and other major producing and exporting countries, such as Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Paraguay, Thailand, Uruguay, and Vietnam

- recent trade trends and developments in the global market for rice, including U.S. and major foreign supplier imports and exports

- a comparison of the competitive strengths and weaknesses of rice production in and exports from the U.S. and other major exporting countries, focusing on factors affecting delivered cost, product differentiation, and reliability of supply as well as government policies and programs that directly or indirectly affect rice production and exporting

- an assessment of the impact of government policies and programs, including public stockholding programs and export restrictions, of major producing and exporting countries on U.S. rice production, product revenues and profits, consumption, trade, and prices, as well as on food security in developing countries

- the impact on the U.S. rice industry of exports of rice from the highlighted countries to the U.S. and to traditional U.S. export markets

The ITC will hold a public hearing in connection with this investigation on April 30. Requests to appear at this hearing are due by April 18 and pre-hearing briefs and statements are due by April 11. Post-hearing briefs will be due by May 22 and all other written submissions will be due by July 12. The ITC expects to submit a final report to the House Ways and Means Committee by March 5, 2025.

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