
The Department of Agriculture has published notice that Gabon, Guinea, and Moldova were added to the list of regions considered to be affected with highly pathogenic avian influenza in 2022. Restrictions on the importation of poultry, commercial birds, ratites, avian hatching eggs, unprocessed avian products and byproducts, and certain fresh poultry products originating from or transiting these countries were imposed when they were added to this list.

Processed avian products and byproducts originating from or transiting any restricted area, imported as cargo, must be accompanied by an APHIS import permit and/or government certification confirming that the products were treated according to APHIS requirements.

Importation, as cargo, of fresh, unprocessed shell/table eggs and other egg products, void of the shell (i.e., liquid eggs, dried egg whites), originating from or transiting any restricted zone is prohibited unless the products are consigned from the port of arrival directly to an APHIS-approved breaking and pasteurization facility. An import permit and/or certificate is not required for these shipments when consigned directly to an APHIS-approved establishment.

Separately, APHIS has removed restrictions on subject imports from (1) PCZs 174 and 178 in Quebec (effective May 25) and (2) Quillota, Valparaiso, and San Felipe de Aconcagua provinces in Chile (effective June 2) after the HPAI outbreaks in these areas were completely resolved.

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