
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a final rule imposing new import restrictions on archaeological and ethnological materials from Tunisia. Effective July 22, 2024, through Feb. 6, 2029, unless extended, the importation of these materials is restricted unless they are accompanied by documentation certifying that they left Tunisia legally and are not in violation of that country’s export laws.

The covered archaeological materials include objects made of stone, ceramic, metal, bone, ivory, shell and other organic materials, glass, faience, semiprecious stone, painting, plaster, wood, and textiles ranging in date from approximately 200,000 B.C. to 1750 A.D. The covered ethnological materials include architectural elements, manuscripts, and ceremonial, ritual, and funerary objects of the Islamic culture from the Ottoman and early Husseinite periods, ranging in date from approximately 1574 to 1881 A.D. This excludes Jewish ceremonial or ritual objects. More details can be found in the text of the rule.

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