The Department of Commerce is increasing for inflation the civil monetary penalty amounts that may be assessed for the following regulatory violations after Jan. 15, including when the associated violation occurred before that date. The DOC states that the actual penalty assessed for a particular violation will depend on a variety of factors.
- violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 USC 1705(b)) – maximum increased from $368,136 to $377,700
- violations of the Export Controls Act of 2018 (50 USC 4819) – maximum increased from $364,992 to $374,474
- failure to file export information or reports required by 13 USC 304 within prescribed period – maximum for each day’s delinquency increased from $1,696 to $1,740, maximum per violation increased from $16,971 to $17,412
- other unlawful export information activities under 13 USC 305(b) – maximum increased from $16,971 to $17,412
- foreign-trade zone violations (19 USC 81s): maximum increased from $3,558 to $3,650
- wildlife import/export violations under the Lacey Act (16 USC 3373(a)(1) and (a)(2)) – maximums increased from $32,942 to $33,798 and from $823 to $844, respectively
- seafood import/export violations under the High Seas Fishing Compliance Act (16 USC 5507(a)) – maximum increased from $200,174 to $205,375
- failure to furnish any information required under 22 USC Chapter 46 (international investment and trade in services survey) – minimum increased from $5,761 to $5,911, maximum increased from $57,617 to $59,114
- Fastener Quality Act violations (15 USC 5408(b)(1)): maximum increased from $57,617 to $59,114
- prohibited acts relating to inspections or recordkeeping violations under the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act (22 USC 6761(a)(1)(A) and (B)) – maximums increased from $46,901 to $48,119 and from $9,380 to $9,624, respectively
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