For more information on pursuing trade policy interests through the legislative process, please contact Nicole Bivens Collinson at (202) 730-4956 or via email.
Trade policy. H.Res.1520 (introduced Dec. 14 by Rep. Brady, R-Texas) expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that the U.S. should reengage with trading partners, particularly like-minded allies with market-based economies and high labor and environmental standards, to promote trade in environmental goods, services, and technologies in new or existing bilateral and plurilateral dialogues with a view to negotiating a new environmental goods agreement with updated product coverage.
Shipping. The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee amended and reported Dec. 12 the Facilitating Relief for Efficient Intermodal Gateways to Handle Transportation Act (S. 3262), which aims to improve the efficient movement of freight at U.S. ports by (1) establishing a new grant program at the Department of Transportation, (2) requiring a new study on documentation and terms used in freight transportation, (3) requiring the monthly publication of statistics on the dwell time of equipment used in intermodal transportation, (4) requiring the development of best practices for on-terminal or near-terminal chassis pools, (5) enhancing protections against retaliation by carriers and OTIs against shippers, (6) etc.
The Close Agency Loopholes to the Jones Act (H.R. 9548, introduced Dec. 14 by Rep. Garamendi, D-Calif.) would require U.S. Customs and Border Protection to make certain determinations in enforcing the Jones Act, which requires transportation and items shipped between U.S. ports to be conducted on ships that are built and operated by U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Sanctions. The Neutralizing Emerging Threats from Wireless OEMs Receiving direction from Kleptocracies and Surveillance states Act (H.R. 9490, introduced Dec. 12 by Reps. Gallagher, R-Wis., and Gallego, D-Ariz.) would add foreign companies producing 5G technology, like Huawei, to the specially designated nationals list if they engage in economic or industrial espionage or sanctions violations. Gallagher said this action would effectively prevent such companies from accessing the U.S. financial system.
Exports. H.R. 9493 (introduced Dec. 12 by Rep. Higgins, R-La., would amend the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 to reauthorize the export administrative subpoena authority and other authorities under that act.
H.R. 9545 (introduced Dec. 12 by Rep. Espaillat (D-N.Y.) would reinstate the ban on exports of crude oil and natural gas produced in the U.S. The Petroleum Price Reduction Act (H.R. 9560, introduced Dec. 14 by Rep. Sherman, D-Calif.) would require the president to ban the export of any petroleum product if the closing price of West Texas intermediate crude exceeds $70 per barrel for three consecutive days or five of the last ten days, or $80 per barrel at any time.
Wood packaging. S. 5278 (introduced Dec. 15 by Sen. Gillibrand, D-N.Y.) would require the publication of information on violations of wood packaging material regulations.
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