
For more information on pursuing trade policy interests through the legislative process, please contact Nicole Bivens Collinson at (202) 730-4956 or via email.

Trade Negotiations. H.R. 4711 (introduced July 27 by Rep. Joyce, R-Pa.) would amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to include principal negotiating objectives relating to trade in pharmaceutical products.

Pharmaceuticals. The Protecting Our Pharmaceutical Supply Chain from China Act (S. 2495, introduced July 28 by Sen. Cotton, R-Ark.) would (1) require the Food and Drug Administration to create a registry of all drugs and corresponding active pharmaceutical ingredients that are produced outside the U.S. and are determined to be critical to the health and safety of Americans, (2) prohibit federal procurement of pharmaceutical products with APIs produced in China (to be phased in over two years), (3) require drug companies to list APIs and their countries of origin on the labels of imported and domestically-produced finished drug products, and (4) provide incentives for drug manufacturing in the U.S.

Origin Labeling. The Anti-BDS Labeling Act (S. 2489, introduced July 27 by Sen. Cotton, R-Ark.) would prohibit the reversal of current guidelines that require Israeli goods produced in the West Bank or Gaza to be labeled as “Made in Israel.”

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