
EU reportedly prepares to counter potential Trump trade tariffs

“Should this fail, and should the Republican administration choose to apply punitive tariffs on imported European goods, the EU would retaliate by applying tariffs of 50 percent or more on a list of selected U.S. goods.”


GOP senators break with Trump on trade

“Some senators suggested the former president ultimately could be convinced to soften his actual plan, with many expressing concerns about the inflationary effects of universal 10% tariffs.”


U.S. export controls on technology to China have failed, says report

“The US has imposed export controls to deny China access to strategic technologies [but] we find no evidence of reshoring or friend-shoring.” 


Turkey ratifies free trade agreement with Ukraine

“The free trade agreement between Ukraine and Turkey foresees the cancellation of import duties by Turkey for about 93.4% of industrial goods and 7.6% of agricultural goods. … Ukraine, in turn, will cancel import duties for about 56% of industrial goods and 11.5% of agricultural goods.”


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