In the March 29, 2023, Customs Bulletin and Decisions, U.S. Customs and Border Protection is reclassifying metal storage lockers and cabinets for garage use as metal household furniture under HTSUS 9403.20.0050 (duty-free) rather than as other metal furniture under HTSUS 9403.20.0086 (duty-free).
The items at issue are a group of unequipped, locking, modular, shelved metal storage lockers and cabinets available in different paint finishes.
CBP states that these items are classifiable under HTSUS 9403.20.0050 because they are intended to be used in household garages. By contrast, they are precluded from classification in (1) HTSUS 9403.20.0078 because they are not intended to be used by commercial businesses and (2) HTSUS 9403.20.0086 because they are more specifically provided for elsewhere.
Ruling HQ H313152 will revoke ruling NY N310710 to reflect this change, effective with respect to goods entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption on or after May 28.
For more information on how to seek or utilize classification and other rulings, please contact attorney Deb Stern at (305) 894-1007 or via email.
Click here for more information on ST&R’s upcoming webinar on the classification of household textile products.
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