
The Fish and Wildlife Service is accepting comments through May 3 on potential amendments to international wildlife trade rules under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

Specifically, FWS is soliciting recommendations for the addition of species to CITES appendix I or II, the transfer of species from one appendix to another, or the removal of species from the appendices. Appendix I includes species threatened with extinction that are or may be affected by trade. Appendix II includes (1) species that may become threatened with extinction unless trade in them is strictly controlled and (2) species that must be subject to regulation so trade in other CITES-listed species may be brought under effective control. Appendix III includes species that have been included unilaterally by a CITES party, but FWS is not soliciting input on Appendix III listings at this time.

FWS is also interested in resolutions, decisions, and agenda items the U.S. might consider submitting for discussion at the 19th regular meeting of the conference of the parties to CITES, which is tentatively scheduled to be held in Costa Rica in March 2022. FWS states that in determining which proposals to submit it will consider whether the proposal (1) addresses a serious wildlife or plant trade issue that the U.S. is experiencing as a range country for species in trade, (2) addresses a serious wildlife or plant trade issue for species not native to the U.S., and (3) provides additional conservation benefit for a species already covered by another international agreement.

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