
IMF tells Biden to dump Trump’s tariffs

“‘The [Biden] administration has underscored the need for a ‘worker-centric’ trade agenda that ensures that global trade benefits Americans as workers and wage-earners, not just as consumers,’ notes the IMF in a section titled Gaining from Trade. ‘In pursuing these objectives, a removal of the obstacles to free trade would help support U.S. workers and create more and better U.S. jobs (particularly in light of the domestic efforts that are being proposed to increase productivity, labor supply, and the competitiveness of U.S. producers).’”


Japan ratifies RCEP, world's largest FTA

“The deal was signed by China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and the 10 members of Asean in November 2020. The pact will enter into force 60 days after it is ratified by six of the Asean members and three non-Asean countries.”

[The Star]

UK to extend quotas and tariffs on most steel imports

“Britain said on Wednesday it would introduce new regulations to help defend its steel industry after accepting a recommendation from its newly established Trade Remedies Authority to scrap some quotas on imports.”


Saudi Arabia’s free zone tariff exclusions signal widening rift

“Saudi Arabia said it would exclude imports from free zones or linked to Israel from a preferential tariff agreement with neighboring Gulf Arab countries, signaling growing strains in relations with the United Arab Emirates which has normalized relations with the Jewish State.”


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