

President Trump has issued a proclamation modifying the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the U.S. to make the following changes with respect to U.S. free trade agreements, trade preference programs, and certain other provisions.

- effective Jan. 1, 2021, reinstates the Democratic Republic of the Congo as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country under the African Growth and Opportunity Act as well as the DRC’s textile and apparel benefits under AGOA

- extends through Dec. 31, 2021, a 2004 agreement with Israel that provides duty-free access to specified quantities of certain agricultural products of that country

- reflects the extension of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act through Sept. 30, 2020

- reflects an August 2020 agreement to lower tariffs on some prepared meals, crystal glassware, surface preparations, propellant powders, cigarette lighters, and lighter parts from the European Union

For more information on any of these changes, including country eligibility under the AGOA and how to utilize available tariff preferences, please contact Nicole Bivens Collinson.

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