
Unpaid customs duties net $818,000 fine

“The investigation leading to this settlement agreement revealed that from in or about August 2015 to in or about August 2019 … [the company] submitted approximately 51 import product entries to CBP containing false tariff schedules intending to reduce its customs obligations.”


U.S., UK advance trade agreement negotiations

“This was the most intensive round of negotiations held so far, with 38 sessions covering 19 different chapter areas. Almost all chapter areas are now in the advanced stages of talks. A significant proportion of legal text has been agreed across multiple chapters.”

[UK Parliament]

Hong Kong launches WTO dispute against U.S. over labeling

“The complaint pointed to a new U.S. rule announced by U.S. Customs and Border Protection in August that goods from Hong Kong would have to be marked as coming from China. The rule was to have taken effect in late September, but the requirement for compliance was then extended to Nov. 10.”


Xi says China will speed up trade talks with EU, Japan, and South Korea

“On Wednesday, Xi ran through a list of ways in which China would open its market further to foreign businesses and improve the local operating environment. The initiatives, which have mostly already been announced before, ranged from improving intellectual property protection to reducing restrictions on imports of technology.”


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