
Plums from Chile

Effective April 1 the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has modified the restrictions on plums imported from Chile to prevent the entry or introduction of the European grapevine moth. Specifically, all consignments of plums from Chile for export to the U.S. must be treated with an APHIS-approved treatment; e.g., irradiation with a minimum absorbed dose of 400 Gy upon arrival in the U.S. or fumigation with methyl bromide in Chile under the bilateral preclearance program. Fumigation can be conducted until the end of the shipping season and no later than May 31.

Carnation Cuttings from Kenya

Effective April 5 APHIS is allowing the importation of Dianthus spp. (carnation) cuttings from Kenya without post-entry quarantine, provided that the national plant protection organization of Kenya enters into an operational workplan with APHIS. In addition, a number of specific conditions must be met, including the following.

- cuttings must be grown in a greenhouse registered with the NPPO of Kenya

- production sites incorporate safeguards to prevent the entry of arthropod pests

- if quarantine pests are detected in a production site it will not be allowed to export until appropriate control measures approved by the NPPO are taken and their effectiveness is verified by APHIS

- plants destined for export to the U.S. are produced in a production site devoted solely to the production of such plants

- at least once monthly for the four months prior to export to the U.S. the production site is visually inspected for specified pests

- cuttings are limited to commercial consignments only

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