Effective March 31, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has imposed import restrictions on certain archaeological materials from Costa Rica. Categories of materials subject to these restrictions, which will remain in effect until Jan. 14, 2026, unless extended, include the following.
- archaeological jade objects made from several types of stone such as jadeite, jadeitite, serpentine, omphacite, agate, chalcedony, jasper, slate, opal, and quartz, including pendants, beads, ear ornaments, vessels, and mace heads
- archaeological objects made from gold and other metals, including zoomorphic pendants, anthropomorphic pendants, bells, hammered ornaments, and tools
- archaeological ceramics, including vessels, pot stands, stools, griddles, figurines, musical instruments, stamps, inhalers, pipes, and beads
- archaeological stone objects, including metates (grinding tables), manos (handstones) and pestles, biconical effigy seats, bowls or receptacles, figural sculpture, figure-decorated mortuary slabs, petroglyphs, mace heads, stone spheres, polished stone tools, and chipped-stone tools
- archaeological bone, resin, and shell objects, including personal ornaments, figurines, and tools
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